District 2 News

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Water Main Flushing Schedule

From the Water Utility . . .

Water Main Flushing is scheduled to begin in 5 areas on Sunday night March 25 and Monday morning March 26, weather-permitting.

A map showing a general schedule for the year: http://www.cityofmadison.com/water/Documents/udf_schedule_citymap_links.pdf

During the first few days of flushing we will be working in the following areas, Monday-Friday, between 7:30 a.m. and 3:30 p.m., unless otherwise noted:

Near East (Flushing Area 7):Between N Sherman Ave and Packers Ave, from Schlimgen south to Ingersoll and E. Washington.

Near East (Flushing Area 8):Between Atwood and Lake Monona from Olbrich Park to Division.

Near East (Flushing Area 11): Between HWY 30 and Atwood, from HWY 51 to North St and E. Washington.

West Side (Flushing Area 14):University (Tomahawk to Midvale), Old Middleton, Glen Oak Hills Park, Bordner, Norman Wy.

Central (Flushing Area 24, 10 pm to 6 am, Sunday night to Friday morning): On the isthmus from Ingersoll to the Capitol Square.

Doug De Master
Engineering Systems and Mapping Engineer Madison Water Utility
119 E. Olin Ave
Madison, WI 53713
608-261-9834 (office)
608-225-9137 (mobile)
608-266-4644 (fax)

AREA 7 (Day): 3 to 7 runs per day

Run ID Run Description
7001 (Night, Sunday March 25) N Sherman from Schlimgen to Roth St
7002 N Sherman Ave from Roth St to Michigan Ct
7003 Commercial Ave from N Sherman Ave to Ruskin St
7020 N Sherman and Fordem from Michigan Ct to Northfield Pl
7021 Superior St - Michigan Ct (Commercial to Sherman)
7022 Superior St - Erie Ct (Michigan to Sherman)
7023 Superior St and Northfield Pl
7024 Sherman Ave from Fordem to N Thornton Ave
7101 Fordem Av - E Johnson St (Sherman to Second)
7102 S side Fordem connection loop (directly N of Johnson)
7103 W & N sides Fordem connection loop (directly N of Johnson)
7104 Marston Av - E Johnson St (Sherman to Fordem)
7105 Marston Av - Sherman Av (E. Johnson to Thornton)
7106 E Johnson St (Marston to S of Brearly)
7107 Marston Av (Johnson to Sherman)
7108 E. Johnson St (Thornton to Paterson)
7109 Sherman Av (Marston to Gorham)
7110 Baldwin St (Johnson to Sherman)
7111 Elizabeth St - Sidney St (Baldwin to Sherman)
7112 Elizabeth St (Sidney to Few)
7113 Few St - Sherman Av (Johnson to N of Ingersoll)
7114 Elizabeth St - Leitch Ct (Few to NW end)
7115 Jean St - Elizabeth St (Few to Ingersoll)
7116 Gorham (Johnson to Brearly)
7004 (Sunday Night, April 1) Commercial Ave from Ruskin St to Packers Ave
7005 Schlimgen Ave from Sherman Ave to Packers Ave
7006 (Sunday Night, April 1) Packers Ave form Schlimgen to Aberg

AREA 8 (Day): 3 to 7 runs per day

RunID Run_Desc
8001 Oakridge (Welch - Miller)
8002 Oakridge Ave - Atwood Ave
8003 Sugar Ave. (Atwood - Union Pacific RR)
8004 Atwood Ave - Fair Oaks Ave (Oakridge to Buena Vista)
8005 Welch Ave. (Oakridge Ave - Ludington Ave)
8006 Center Ave (Atwood - Elmside)
8007 Welch Ave. - Lakeland Ave.
8008 Ludington Ave (Atwood Ave - Oakwood Ave)
8009 Maple Ave. (Oakridge Ave - Atwood Ave)
8010 Oakridge Av - Dunning St (Elmside to Lakeland)
8011 Elmside Blvd - Lakeland Ave - Miller Ave - Atwood Ave
8012 Lakeland Ave - Hudson Ave - Atwood Ave
8013 Atwood Ave. - Elmside Blvd. - Willard Ave.
8015 Elmside Blvd.
8016 Atwood Ave. (Elmside Blvd. - Division St)
8017 Sommers Ave. ( Elmside Blvd - Division St)
8018 Center Ave. (Elmside Blvd. - Division St.)
8019 Willard Ave. ( Elmside Blvd - Ohio Ave)
8022 Ohio Ave (Oakridge Ave - Atwood Ave)
8023 Atwood Ave ( Ohio Ave - Division St)
8026 Oakridge Ave - Division St
8027 Lakeland Ave. - Schiller Ct.
8028 Evergreen Ave. (Oakridge Ave - Atwood Ave)
8029 Schiller Ct. - Lakeland Ave.
8030 Dunning St ( Atwood Ave - Yahara Pl)
8031 Schurz - Yahara - Russell - Rutledge (Lakeland to Riverside)
8032 Yahara Pl (Schurz to Dunning)
8033 Garrison St. ( Atwood Ave - Emmet St)

AREA 11 (Day): 3 to 7 runs per day

RUN 11001 Dempsey - Stoughton - Milwaukee - (Calvert to E of Fair Oaks)
RUN 11002 West Corporate Dr
RUN 11003.1 Dempsey Rd (Milwaukee to Stoughton)
RUN 11003.2 Dempsey Rd (Immediately S of Milwaukee)
RUN 11004 Dempsey Rd (Portland to S of Steinies)
RUN 11005 Anchor - Bergen - Steinies (Dempsey to Dempsey)
RUN 11006 Rockwell - Bergen - Steinies (Dempsey to Dempsey)
RUN 11007 Lori Circle
RUN 11008 Dennett Dr - Hargrove St (Dempsey to Walter)
RUN 11009 Hargrove St (Walter to W end)
RUN 11010 Tulane Av - Ring St (Dempsey to S end)
RUN 11011 (Night) Tulane Av - Ring St (Hargrove to S end)
RUN 11012 Anchor Dr - Gunderson St (Dempsey to Tulane)
RUN 11013 Margaret St (Dempsey to Gunderson)
RUN 11014 Anchor - Ontario - Rockwell (Dempsey to Dempsey)
RUN 11015 Coral Ct
RUN 11016 (Night) Schenk St (Tulane to Milwaukee)
RUN 11017 Paus St - Schenk St (Dempsey to Tulane)
RUN 11018 Buckingham Ln - Dawes St (Paus to E end)
RUN 11019 Dawes St (Schenk to E end)
RUN 11020 Sussex - Buckingham - Dawes

AREA 24 (Night): 2 to 5 runs per day

RUN 24001 E Mifflin St (N Livingston St - N Paterson St)
RUN 24002 N Paterson St (E Mifflin St - E Washington Av)
RUN 24003 N Paterson St (E Washington Av - E Johnson St)
RUN 24004 N Paterson St - E Johnson St (Mifflin to Brearly)
RUN 24005 Dayton St (Paterson to Brearly)
RUN 24006 Brearly - Gorham (Johnson to Ingersoll)
RUN 24007 2" main SW of Castle Pl
RUN 24008 Castle Pl
RUN 24009 Johnson St (Paterson to Franklin - 12")
RUN 24010 Johnson St (4") - Franklin St (Paterson to Mifflin)
RUN 24011 E. Dayton St (Paterson to Blair)
RUN 24012 E. Mifflin St (Livingston to Hancock)
RUN 24013 E. Mifflin St (Paterson to Livingston)
RUN 24014 E. Gorham St (Paterson to Blair)
RUN 24015 Paterson St (Gorham to N end)
RUN 24016 Washburn Pl - Prospect Pl
RUN 24017 Washburn - Prospect - Paterson
RUN 24018 Livingston St (Gorham to E. Wash)
RUN 24019 Livingston St (Gorham to N end)
RUN 24020 Blount St (Mifflin to N end)

AREA 14 (Day): 3 to 7 runs per day

RUN 14001 University Av - Whitney Wy (Tomahawk to S of University)
RUN 14002 University Av (Tomahawk to SE end)
RUN 14003 Whitney Wy - Old Middleton (S of University to W of Segoe)
RUN 14004 University Av (W of Segoe to N of Bruce)
RUN 14005 Highbury Rd - Locust Dr (Univ to Rose)
RUN 14006 Rose Pl (University to Locust)
RUN 14007 Connector- Rose Pl (Univ to Locust)
RUN 14008 Burbank Pl - Locust Dr (Univ to Maple Ter)
RUN 14009 Maple Ter
RUN 14010 Segoe Rd - Vernon Blvd - Midvale Blvd (Univ to Regent)
RUN 14011 Price Pl (Vernon to N end)
RUN 14012 Vernon Blvd - Price Pl (Segoe to N end)
RUN 14013 Segoe Rd transverse connection (between Sawyer and Vernon)
RUN 14014 Sawyer Ter (Segoe to Frey)
RUN 14015 Frey St - Sawyer Ter (Segoe to N end)
RUN 14016 E end Sheboygan Av (W of Segoe)
RUN 14017 Old Middleton Rd (Whitney to Merrill Crest)
RUN 14018 Old Middleton (Wynnwood to Merrill Crest)
RUN 14020 Old Middleton Rd - Gettle Av (Merrill Crest to Rosa)


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