District 2 News

Sunday, August 06, 2006

Urging you to check the "Urban Forestry" Program

From Gary Tipler:

"Urban Forestry" on Madison City Channel 12 (see link below)

Sunday, August 6 at 8 pm
Wednesday, August 16 at 2 pm
Saturday, August 18 at 8 pm

Are you concerned about the impact that sidewalk replacement and other street right-of-way work may have on your street trees? If not, you should be. If you value the shade, air cooling, cleansing, and rainfall interception abilities of trees, you might want to view the program, Urban Forestry, on Madison Cable Channel 12, which airs tonight and can be viewed at anytime online (see link below).

Learn from the Milwaukee forestry inspector about the devastating loss of street trees that Milwaukee experienced almost 30 years ago as a result of then standard practices of sidewalk and street improvement. This lead to subsequent changes in procedures in the way the City contracts for these improvements, that have successfully protected the health of street trees
for 25 years.

Also, hear from Madison's City Forester and learn that the City of Madison has no such protections in its contracts.

The program begins with a presentation on tree diseases that are now affecting or may affect our trees by a Department of Natural Resources representative, and concludes with questions from the audience.

Is it too late to curb the potential damage to some of the street trees of the Marquette Neighborhood with sidewalk replacement work about to begin this week on Jenifer and other streets? Can we yet protect our trees from excessive root cutting? Can we demand that the City adopts procedures and contracts in future projects?

View the program, and let's consider our options.

- Gary

"Urban Forestry"

The impact of trees in the city was the focus of the program by Capitol Neighborhoods Inc. recorded July 27, 2006 at the Gates of Heaven Synagogue.

The program included Marla Eddy, city forester for Madison; Jim Kringer, Milwaukee forestry inspector; and Jeff Roe, DNR urban forestry coordinator. There were questions from the audience following the presentation.

View the program online, on the Madison City Channel 12 web site:


Order a tape or dvd: http://www.ci.madison.wi.us/mcc12/duplications.html

Madison City Channel 12: http://www.ci.madison.wi.us/mcc12/index.html

'Urban Forestry' was sponsored by Daffodil*Parker Florists, 502 W. Main, Madison's only downtown florists.


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